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Taylor Swift Shakes Things Up Again On New Song "Gorgeous"

"Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats... alone."

After teasing her new song "Gorgeous" on social media, Taylor Swift has dropped the third song off of upcoming album Reputation. It's similar to her previous Reputationsongs "Look What You Made Me Do" and "...Ready For It?" in that it doesn't sound like anything else she's put out before.

The song takes a swerve from the teased distorted baby coo delivery of "Gorgeous," as the production sounds bubbly but hard, a perfect fit for Taylor's fanged delivery: "And I'm so furious at you / For making me feel this way." But it's all in the service of a drop dead, well, gorgeous lover: "You're so gorgeous / I can't say anything to your face / 'Cause look at your face / And I'm so furious / At you for making me feel this way / But what can I say? / You're gorgeous."
But she's not without a sense of humor about the familiar situation: "You make me so happy it turns back to sad / There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have / Guess I'll just stumble on home to my cats... / Alone / Unless you wanna come along."
Download "Gorgeous" or listen to it on Apple Music here.

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